I know you are doing your best but sometimes feel like it is not enough.You don’t get enough time to do the things you’d really want to get done.I want to give you some ways to get better at that.
Sometimes it is because you don’t really know what you want, and sometimes it is because you exactly know what you want and never get to it.Very often it is because we set too high expectations. We think we have to DO IT ALL otherwise it is worthless.
Here some examples:
If I don’t eat 100% clean all the time I might just give up and tell myself “it is nothing for me”.
If I cannot trying and do a full session where I power myself out, I just don’t think its worth it. I will just have to do it later “when things are back to normal”.
The normal is what happens now, it is not what life looked like yesterday. It is about building for the normal in the future.We don’t have to build up these wall of expectations for ourselves. Those walls will just keep us back and slow us down.
Even if your training is going great I believe we all have some things we would like to get going, so here are some ways to get them going.But here some key points to put in your head first.
- Know what you want to do (if you are uncertain, write me and I’ll help you)
- Anything is more than nothing
- It does not have to be perfect
Write down ONE thing you want to do more of, take out your calendar and schedule that ONE thing into a block of 1 or 2 hours for the next 6 weeks. It can be in the morning, evening, during the day or on the weekend.In six weeks, evaluate and look if you want to continue or pick up something new.
You can share your ONE thing by sending me that to my email. It can be one word or your full story. I am happy to hear!
Have a great week!