In February, as we inquired the Inbody Scan, we started a new chapter of understanding the transformation of our members better.Until this point we have been doing manual assessments with all our nutrition coaching clients and the data has helped our clients to see the transformation. The manual assessments are very accurate but leaves more room for error, is time consuming and can be very awkward for both the coach and the clients. As we got the Inbody we saw the benefit of starting assess all our members when they start here and do regular check-ups.
After only one month of we were forced to close the gym due to the corona lockdown and unfortunately it stopped us from assessing people. However we are already now starting to see the amazing effects fo our training in the members that made it to the scan.

What we first of all look at is the general health of our members. We check the ratio between muscles and body fat to get a good indication of the general body composition but most importantly is to check the visceral fats. The visceral fats are the dangerous fats that nobody sees and we have had that many times with “skinny people” that look relatively fit being on the high end on their visceral fats.Our first goal is to help our members to lower the visceral fats and to increase general muscle mass because muscles are the only engine in the body that can metabolise fat and improve our health.
Using data is a very objective way of measuring outcomes of what we do but also just as important is to understand how our members feel and to do this we have our Goal talks. IN our Goal talk we survey to see that every member has a good time and how they feel. The most common comment we get is “I feel so much more productive and I feel so much better” and that is important. You can have a check at Silkes video and hear her story of how it improved her capacity of leading a physical therapy facility.