This might not come as a surprise but being stiff and inflexible is not gonna be an asset in any part of your life.
I recently onboarded Jon to a personalized program where he is paying me a high price to fix things he has been neglecting the last two decades or so. Jon is a lucky guy, because he also runs a very successful startup in Berlin and gets to travel the world and does seminars with top San Francisco Tech firms. He is indeed a successful guy.
For him it all started a couple of years ago as he realized that he needs to do something before shit starts to hit the fan. He started with buying gym membership at a globo gym and his body and mind immediately awarded him by reigniting him with more energy and creativity. This is when his business also started to take off and the way to the stars really began. The effort he put in had a long-term return. All he did was moving himself from being almost pathologically unfit to become just over the hurdle of getting serious body malfunctions. And no, John was never fat, but you don’t have to be fat to be in the danger zone.
Since Jon, by nature, is a heavily productive and creative soul, this small amount of workout made a huge impact on his ability to deliver in all parts of life. He got married and business opportunities came from all sides. Still, he realized that he was probably not moving correctly and his numbers and motivation were still in the basement.
He read and listen to all theses amazing blogs and podcast by Tim Ferriss, Joe Rogan and Gary Vaynerchuck. On their podcasts they talk about success and entrepreneurship, but there is a big focus on health because the top-tiers in the world have realized that being wealthy and successful is worthless without also having a healthy life. Happiness comes from the inside is a common expression and, no shit, by getting fit all your parameters in life will start to move towards happiness.
This is the time when Jon noticed me and my work and he got interested because I shared and showed in my feed what fitness brought me. My story is not far from Jon’s so I know how it is to wander in those shoes.
I’m fortunate and lucky to be able to teach and learn from the best people around in Berlin area and to see the joy and amazement in the eyes of our members and customers just makes me more happy, makes me able to sleep better, makes all my relationships deeper and more interesting.
So please,understand that by investing a small amount of time into your body, on a daily basis, you will see rewards on all levels. Now I have to go – I have to train and then coach some other great ones in our box.
PS. Here you see Jon’s range of motion in his shoulders. After 15 min of work we could improve a heavily limited range of motion to a actually functional position making it easier to move his arms without compromising with bending his lower back.

Originally posted: March 7, 2017