We love to coach but it starts with you. You are the most important person in your life. By taking responsibility of your own health you create yourself choices to become a better parent, boss, friend or partner.
What ever stage you are in your health and fitness journey, me and everyone at Escapist want to help you to improve. Key point is to determine what path suits to you and you as an individual and also depending on your time schedule and other outer factors to consider.
Here are the tools we are using to help improve others:
Coaching via phone – remote PT
Coaching via phone means we have regular talks about the habits and strategies to your program. The program can be shared via any platform that suits you hectic life.
Technique coaching via program, zoom or truecoach – remote PT
To focus on the technique of specific movements all from a push-up to an advanced technical aspect of olympic lifting we use tools that enable us to see and analyse movement patterns and coach either live or by sending individual videos and instructions.
Personal Training – here
The best results can always be reached via coaching in person. This is the top-tier art of training and coaching.
Nutrition coaching – here
Nutrition coaching happens either remote or in person depending on if you are local, on the road or live in another country. Nutrition coaching offers individual habit coaching that is combined with tailored diet that work for each individual.
Behavioural coaching – setting up routines and habits.
A big part of coaching for training or nutrition is to create healthy habits and routines that makes you successful in those regimes but also in life. Having someone helping you to see the things you have problems to see is a great way to leap frog years of trouble.
Every day we post videos on training, workouts and write blogs and it is all for free.
We also host a Podcast with top field scientist, coaches and entrepreneurs
The reason it is for free is because we want to educate you to make a better decision in life so you can become healthier, fitter and happier.
If there is something that you think is missing to improve your health and fitness I would be happy to get that feedback. In that case feel free to send me an email.
Kind regards
Ceo, Founder