Results For Category: "mental health"

Dealing with negative thoughts?

What can training do to help with negative thoughts? Often in training we talk about mental toughness and grit. Sticking to it when it is…

Physical progress for Mental health

“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” – Markus Aurelius 121 BC For two millennia (and probably longer) we know…

First things first

“I don’t have time to train” or “I don’t have time to cook” are just other words for not putting first things first. There will…

What makes us happy!

We all strive to feel better and to have something to work towards. We all know, that the journey is really the thing that fulfils…

Muscle to prevent pain and depression

All too often we hear people saying “I don’t want to build a lot of muscle” and always we have to chuckle a bit because…

4 Pillars of health

The four pillars of health are the foundation for better mental clarity and health.