Don’t play the catch up game

One thing that life has taught me is that playing the catch up game is not a good strategy. Not in training and not in life.

Back in 2011 I moved to Berlin and I used to travel a lot. I was on a flight/train/car almost every week with extended visits for different projects and some great vacations.I got myself a gym membership but I had lost my focus. The previous year I was playing ice-hockey 4 times a week, ran 7k almost every morning and had a personal trainer at my gym. My personal trainer was a great enthusiast of this new thing called “Crossfit”. We did not really do any crossfit workouts but weightlifting, kettlebell and some simple gymnastics were a part of it.I tried to start with the same training at my new gym here in Berlin but it was not ideal and when traveling my mindset was to pause the training and try to catch up when back home. Over time that method just made me less fit and less motivated.

Now, during the lockdown, keeping motivation up is hard and it is easy to end up in the catch up game. Don’t do that. There is no catch up, it is rather missed opportunities.

It does not mean you have to workout or train as you used to do. No, it means doing something will be more than nothing.If you only manage to do 5-15 min per day is much more value than trying to catch up 6 months from now and think you will re-gain something then. The accumulated effect of you training will change the direction of your life in good way. The accumulated effect of not doing anything will have the opposite effect.
This time will never come back and it is your obligation to do the best out of it.It will pay off greatly and you will be proud of yourself.


Ps I. Now when I travel my training and nutrition is always integrated to the schedule. It is not the same thing as back home but I consciously always have that as a staple in my activities. 

PSII. I hope this message helps you. Feel free to share your experience by hitting my up on instagram.

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